Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Artist's Date

I don't know what's going on but yesterday I had another artist's date. I wanted to go to the local gourmet shop (needed some cheesecloth) and since I was in the area I then went to this Used Book shop that the local library donates books too (also citizens can donate too). I found 4 cookbooks and then received 2 free books one is Virginia Woolf an Illustrated Anthology and the other is Favorite Poems of Emily Dickinson.

So many artist's dates this week and I wanted another one, but that was not the case. Oh well, can't have it all. I will have to think back on these extra "dates" when I can't get out of the house.

Wrote a 400+ word of flash fiction, it seemed to be well received by the ladies from the group, so I am pleased. I really liked my characters and am thinking about making them into a full blown story. I will have to think hard on that. Time to get the girls in the basement busy, they have been some lazy bitches lately.

1 comment:

MelissaB said...

Donna--This (and all of your other artist's dates) sound fantastic. I keep trying to convince myself to read more poetry. Maybe I'll pull something out to read before bed tonight. Thanks for the "reminder"!