Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sitting here in Starbuck's and seeing pre-holiday madhouse customers everywhere with the line stretching out the door. Can you say holy cow!

I finally made it to Buck's after 8 days of not having a chance to get here and write and boy I am going to make the most of it while I can! Next week/Christmas week at work will be so busy and I have forgotten how crazy it can be. This in essence is my first job since not working for a few years and the madness that is the holiday is something I will be glad when it is over.

I am not a shopper, I do not like trying on neither clothes nor do I care to buy for has nothing to do with money (although there is that), it is I just really detest shopping. I am thinking it all stems back to having to get school clothes when I was a kid. My mom and I would go to all the shops...Lerner's, Penny's, Kress's and whatever other store, at that time there was no such thing as a Walmart or a K-Mart and so we would spend what seemed like hours upon hours sorting through dresses and shoes and socks and underwear and whatever else I needed for the upcoming school year.

So what does all that have to do with Starbuck's nothing really just that it was an observation on the holiday madness and the shoppers out trying to get the best bargains and who decided to take a coffee break.

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